カテゴリ:Metamorphic Technique® (English)

English blog · 2023/10/05
I am currently working for a company as a temporary employee. I have always thought that if I wanted a more stable life, I should look for a permanent job. On the other hand, I feel I should never abandon what I have been doing in search for natural therapies. At first I started to learn these therapies just because I liked getting massages, but now I have a much bigger vision. In order to realize this vision, I recently applied to a crowdfunding that supports people to launch a new business...
English blog · 2023/09/23
I experienced bodyboarding last weekend and started this week with terrible muscle pain. My shoulders, arms, and chest were sore and achy due to my effort to put my upper body upright to get on the board. But as the pain eases little by little, I have noticed my posture is getting better. I have also realized how I should live my life, and what I would like to express by doing my work. Among the muscles that were sore this time, it was the pectoralis major clavicular, which is used to expand...