Brain Gym® @Tokyo

Brain Gym® is recommended for those ...


- who would like to make a new step forward

- who have a clear goal, but are not happy with the result

- who would like to do their best more easily

- who would like to pursue their dreams, transcending limits


It is very effective to balance the whole mind-body system in advance in order to take action with your potential fully optimized.

The following three types of Brain Gym® sessions available targeting those who have experienced Brain Gym® previously.



1) Brain Gym® In-depth session (120 minutes)

A balance using the In-depth format from 7 dimensional perspectives. 


2) Brain Gym® In-depth session for abundance (120-150 minutes)

A balance using the In-depth session format for those who have an abundance-related goal and would like to explore their possibilities. 


3) Brain Gym® Creative Vision session (120-150 minutes)

For those who have a vision-related goal and would like to improve their vision and/or performance. 

For those who would like to change their life, belief system correlated with their visual habits, habitual patterns based on traumatic memories, and to make a new step forward.   


Duration varies depending on the learning menu selected for each goal. 

[Special Notes]


In the Brain Gym® session, it is intended to create a new neural circuit in the brain in order to taking a smooth action for a particular goal.

You may experience an unbalanced state such as tiredness for a while until you regain balance.

Please kindly consider and decide the appropriate date for your session when you have enough time to take a rest after receiving a balance.  

1) Brain Gym® In-depth session (120 minutes)

Recommended for those who have already experienced Brain Gym®. 


Balancing based on Brain Gym® In-depth course, using the In-depth format from 7 dimensional perspectives (such as breathing, cranial movements). 


A Special session tailored to each person's each goal with varieties of In-depth checks and Learning menus.

<How the session proceeds>


1) Find your PACE and Goal setting


2) Pre-activity

  • Put your goal into action: Experience its effects on the whole mind-body system. 
  • 7 dimesional quick checks: Check to identify physical skills that relate to your goal.
  • 7 dimensional in-depth checks. 

3) Learning menuSelect your activity from 4 realms (Structure, Ecological balance, Emotion, Meridian)


4) Post-activity: Repeat all quick checks and in-depth checks and notice changes. 


5) Restate your goalChoose homeplay for anchoring. 

2) Brain Gym® Basic session for abundance (120-150 minutes)

A balance using the In-depth session format for those who have an abundance-related goal and would like to explore their possibilities. Recommended for those who intend to do your own business. 


The following two menus are added to the Basic session format. 


1) Goals shared at "Switched-On Selling", the course created by American Brain Gym® instructor Jerry Teplitz are introduced when setting a goal regarding abundance.


2)  Pre-activities and post-activities shared at the above course are introduced. 

3) Brain Gym® Creative Vision session (120-150 minutes)

(Please note stones are not used in this session. ) 

Recommended not only for those who have a vision-related goal and would like to improve their vision but also who would like to change their life, belief system correlated with their visual habits, habitual patterns based on traumatic memories, and to make a NEW STEP FORWARD. 


Creative Vision is an advanced course of Brain Gym® with a focus on the eye function and vision. It was originally created by a optometrist, Paul Denisson, for children who have learning disabilities. However, this is also effective for any adult because the eye function or our habit of using the eyes is strongly related to the brain function, our belief system, and the emotion.


This is a full version of Brain Gym® session for those who dare to change themselves by exploring their subconscious which has a connection with their eye movement. 


When you are aware of how you use the eyes, it would enhance the brain integration and the whole mind-body system. The left eye is connected to the right brain in charge of emotional world, and the right eye is connected to the left brain in charge of analytical world. When the both sides of the brain are more integrated, hence the vision is integrated, you will find yourself and your reality changed. 

<How the session proceeds>


1) Goal setting


2) Pre-activity

  • Put your goal into action: Experience its effects on the whole mind-body system. 
  • 7 dimesional quick checks: Check to identify physical skills that relate to your goal.
  • In-depth checks either from 4 themes related to the eye function (expression, receptivity, centering, laterality)

3) Learning menu: Select your activity from 4 realms (Structure, Ecological balance, Emotion, Meridian)


4) Post-activity: Repeat all quick checks and in-depth checks and notice changes. 


5) Restate your goal & Choose homeplay for anchoring.